Monday, January 26, 2015

We will be starting 4-part planning for narrative writing. Students will learn how to incorporate description words, emotion, and dialog into their writing. Please emphasize the importance of beginning sentences with a capital letter, using finger-spaces between words, and using ending marks.

Now that testing has been completed in reading, students have new goals that they are working toward. Some students still need practice with sounding out words, recognizing sight words (SO important), and reading words with inflectional endings (-s, -ing, -ed, -es). Others need to focus on practicing retelling details of a story after reading. Your child should be able to tell you their next DRA goal and what their area of focus is to help them achieve that goal.

We have been working on building subtraction fluency to 10 and representing story problems using various strategies (relating addition and subtraction).

We're off and running! :)