Thursday, February 26, 2015

March 12th
Sunset Gym
LAP/ELL Reading Night
5:30-7:00 PM
Pizza, Cookies, & More!
(free book for every child that attends)

Our class has been diligently working on their next DRA goals. I have had several students meeting their goals and are earning certificates. This is such an exciting time for learning readers! Please continue encouraging your child to read every day! :)

In math, we have been practicing turning an addend into 10 to make adding numbers together more efficient. For example, 8+5 can be thought of as 10+3 by taking 2 from the 5. This has been a challenge for many, but I am seeing a lot of growth!

We have begun our science studies on liquids. Ask your child the difference between viscous and fluid liquids.

We have also been talking about the difference between BIG problems and small problems. Big problems are for reporting to an adult (there is danger, someone is hurt, bullying behavior, etc.). Small problems are problems that your child can solve on their own. Students are beginning to learn about Kelso's Wheel in which they will learn various problem-solving strategies to help them solve small problems. Please look for your child's Kelso card of the day and discuss the strategy with your child at home. Thank you for your support with this. :)